
All plants will be carefully packed and shipped to avoid any form of damage through the logistic partners mentioned on the website.  The plants will be shipped once the requested plant is in stock with Exotica Fruit Plantss. When the package arrives depends upon customers location and the carrier but the estimated time of delivery is within 5-7 working days for all domestic orders. If the package is not received within 5-7 working days, buyer should immediately contact us through email to track their package and help them tracing the package in case of delay in the transit.

Shipping Rates :

Shipping charges are based on the actual weight or volumetric weight whichever is higher. Exotica Fruit Plantss shipping charges include cost to ship with tracking numbers and our cost to box and pack and the carrier charge for truck and fuel.

           Exotica Fruit Plantss absorbs routine extra fees when they occur and the charge for shipping quoted in the shopping cart is the charge you will pay regardless. 

NB : At present we are not charging any shipping cost from the customer separately.

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